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"If you take care of the land, the land will take care of you." Imagine clean water, schools of healthy fish, herds of blue crabs in a swinging eel, flocks of ducks and geese and a lone bald eagle flying high overhead, and you have a picture of what you help achieve with every bite of our oysters. And it is in this place that the medicine cenforce 200 is produced. If you want to read more about this medicine, then follow this link.
It is even more true when you farm the water. Imagine clear water, schools of healthy fish, herds of blue crabs in the waving eelgrass, flocks of ducks and geese and a lone bald eagle flying high overhead and you have a picture of what you are helping to accomplish with every bite of our mouthwatering succulent oysters. This is why we take such good care of the water and the land at every Ranch where we grow our oysters. It is not just our living that depends on a clean healthy environment, The safety and health of our families and friends are at stake. We eat our own oysters...... Raw! Our Team @ Circle C thinks that our Environment is so important that we Designed, Developed and now Employ our own Patented Technology to protect and improve it! Check it out! US Patent # 6391201 Bilogical Nutrient Control US Patent # 6764599 Waterborne Disease Control We will gladly work with anyone who wishes to legally license our patents. However, some people are not knowledgeable about patent rights. Patent infringement may include advertising claims that they or their products remove nutrients or disease organisms by growing shellfish. Actual use for mitigation purposes to reduce personal, business or municipal costs or to sell such services to others for these and other purposes without a license is strictly forbidden. Information leading to the successful prosecution of a civil suit or to an out of court settlement will be rewarded. To inquire about obtaining a license or make a report please use the form below to contact us. ![]()
Here is the story about the ongoing environmental impovements around our Headquarters Ranch. It even impresses me! When we started raising oysters the area around our dock was knee deep in black stinking muck. Now we leave footprints in the sand. A friend who is a pilot recently dropped by with a startling photo. It showed riples in the sand covering our entire cove. I'd scan the picture for you but it is 3 times the size of my scanner! The area that is sand bottom has expanded to about 6 acres! When we got started the fishing was pretty lousy to. One of our stockholders came by to get in a little fishing. He and I spent 5 hours and only caught two 9" Croakers. In recent years we have gotten 7 or maybe it is 9 certificates in Maryland's Department of Natural Resources for fish caught from the dock!. They include a 9" Spot, 12" White Perch, 17.5" Croaker, and a 24.5" Trout (weakfish)! Obviously the birds have figured it out. There are lots more of them!. We now have a Kingfisher, Loons, and a pair of Bald Eagles sit on a tree in sight of the dock on most sunny winter days. Green Herons raise their young nearby and teach them to hunt on our oyster floats. We have wathced Blue Herons dancing as they sparred for the right to fish here. I wathced in amazement as a LESSER Snowy Egret positioned an 8 or 9" White Perch in his bill and then swallowed it. The fish was twice the size of his head! Last year we had a rare Bluebill Duck that hung around the dock for over a month and slept on an oyster float at night. Enough about birds lets talk aboutkids. A couple of years ago, we brought a group of 4th graders to the dock. They went through six oyster bags collecting the animals in them. They counted the shrimp, mud crabs, and small fish and squeezed the seasquirts. The AVERAGE bag contained 65 grass shrimp, 74 mud crabs, and 41 small fish. No wonder there are bigger fish around! I can't imagine what this year will bring but I am sure of one thing. I will continue to marvel at the wonders of nature and the changes taking place.
It takes a lot of fish to feed these hungry chicks |
© 2012 Circle-C Oyster Ranching Association
49676 Freeman's Road, Dameron, MD 20628
Local: (301) 872-5126
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