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maps showing world oyster production

The U.S. is number 4 in the world with 40 million bushels annual production. Why is that? Everybody else is using modern day aquaculture. At Circle C we are working to bring the U.S. into the lead early in the 21st Century. The Chesapeake Bay alone has more oyster growing area than France. What potential! Proper use of this wonderful estuary is all it would take to step into first place!

And it improves the environment!

Imagine clear water, lots of healthy fish, tons of blue crabs in the waving eelgrass, lots of ducks and geese and Bald Eagles flying overhead. Now you have a clear picture of what oyster ranching can do for the Chesapeake Bay, and Circle C is not going to stop there. We are looking North and South on the Atlantic Seaboard! We have big plans. Circle C is looking for active investors who would like to help us build our company. If you are looking for something rewarding both financially and socially, you really should contact us!

"Floating Oyster Reef" and "Mini Floating Reef" are trademarks of Circle C Oyster Ranchers Association, Inc.

© 2011 Circle-C Oyster Ranching Association ™
49676 Freeman's Road, Dameron, MD 20628 Local: (301) 872-5126
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